The Buffalo Anti-Flood Airbrick is innovatively designed in the same shape as a standard airbrick, and in normal conditions will allow air to flow through and ventilate the space underneath the floor, as intended.

Inside the Buffalo Anti-flood Airbrick is an innovative floating seal which automatically closes the vent when flood water approaches. A valve is lifted by the pressure of the water, creating a flood seal in the vent and preventing water from entering the property.

The seal will re-open once the water has receded, allowing ventilation to the sub-floor of the building once again.

The Buffalo Anti-flood Airbrick is a passive flood protection product, which means no human intervention is required to prevent the property from flooding.

As well as the innovative automatic valve, the UK manufactured Buffalo Anti-flood Airbrick…

  • Has a unique stepped front grille to reduce wind and driven rain.
  • Meets British Flood Protection Products Standards
  • Allows twice the airflow of other anti-flood airbricks
  • Has an integral grip allowing multiple airbricks to be stacked together
  • The brick has a removable grille, allowing easy access for maintenance and inspection purposes
  • It complies with all relevant building regulations.
  • It can be installed in old or new build properties
  • Colours: Terracotta, Buff, Black, White, Engineering Blue, Neutral (Opaque)

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