Most people over look the low level flooding events, but there are a few key steps to take to mitigate against low level flooding. Firstly, a flood survey is recommended to determine potential areas of water ingress. If you don’t have a flood survey, then the following tips help identify potential areas of weakness.

1. Air bricks

Most properties in the UK have at least one air brick (usually more than one). A quick walk around your property should allow you to see if you any airbrick vents. These vents are required to allow air to circulate underneath the property and prevent damp. However, in flood events they allow water to enter into your property. An anti-flood air brick is a good solution. The Buffalo Anti Flood Air Brick has a unique float device in the air brick, which closes as the flood water tries to enter the property. The second benefit of the anti flood air brick is it helps with energy efficiency. An uninsulated floor can loose up to 15% of heat from your home. The anti flood air brick valve reduces the loss of heat by closing the vent in the wind.

An alternative to anti flood air brick is an air brick flood cover. However, unlike an anti flood air brick the air brick flood cover needs to be installed in a flood event. So although the flood covers are more cost effective, you need to be in the property to install the flood protection, whereas the Buffalo Anti Flood Air Brick provides passive flood protection.

2. Weep vents

Just like air bricks, weep vents are required in properties to prevent damp and improve air ciruclation. These are often found at low levels and need to be idenfitied prior to any flood prevention work is carried out.

3. Sewage pipes

One of the most unfortunate ways water can enter the property is via the sewage system. When drains get full, water backs up the sewage pipe leading to backflow into your property. The first and most cost effective solution is a retro fit 110mm non return valve. To find out if you need a retro fit non return valve, walk around your property and see if you can find an inspection chamber. If you can lift the lid safely, inspect inside the chamber. You may have multiple properties going into the same inspection chamber, so an easy way to find out which pipe leads to your property is to flush the toilet. A key benefit of a non return valve is it provides passive flood protection, so no human intervention is required. We do recommend checking your inspection chamber on an annual basis to ensure everything is working as it should. If you have a commercial property, a 150mm non return valve is appropriate size.

4. Garage doors

Garage doors are often an area where low level flooding can enter into your property. The most robust solution is an aluminium flood barrier, however this can be costly and maybe not necessary for low level flooding. In cases where the water is low, an Osmo Garage Door Flood Barrier is a suitable solution or Floodsax sandless sandbags are an alternative solution. The sandless sandbags are easy to store, and are activiated by the water, but they are not re-usable.